In this paper,Qi Yanhuai,an astronomer in the Qing dynasty,and his vertical direct east and west sun dials,transit instrument and celestial sphere instrument were studied in detail.
介绍了清代天文学家齐彦槐的生平及其制作的面东西日晷、中星仪和天球仪等天文仪器 ,进一步探讨了这些天文仪器的制作原理和使用方法 。
Techniques and Methods of Adjusting Sinosat-3 and China sat-6B Receivers;
It is an effective way to explain the year of observation of the four mid-season stars recorded in Yao Dian 《尧典》based on the principal of Precession.
Zhong Xing Jie ( Explanation of the Transits of Stars) , which was copied in the early Qing Dynasty, is a hand-copied collection of papers and illustrations on astronomy and geography.
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