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Procedures of the Customs of the P.C.C. for the Control and Superintendence of Inward or Outward International Shipping Vessels and the Goods Carried是什么意思



1)Procedures of the Customs of the P.C.C. for the Control and Superintendence of Inward or Outward International Shipping Vessels and the Goods Carried,中华人民共和国海关对进出境国际航行船舶及其所载货物物品监管办法2)Procedures of the Customs of the PRC for the Supervision and Control of Vessels Engaged in International Navigation and the Cargo Carried Thereon,中华人民共和国海关对国际航行的船舶和所载货物的监管办法3)Rules of the Customs of the P.C.C. Governing the Supervision and Control over Inland and Outland Containers and the Goods Contained Therein,中华人民共和国海关对进出口集装箱和所装货物的监管办法4)Supervision and Management of Express Mail Entering or Leaving China,中华人民共和国海关对进出境快件监管办法5)Rules of the Ministry of Communications of the P.C.C. for Collecting Port Dues from International shipping Vessels and Their Import andor Export Goods,中华人民共和国交通部航行国际航线船舶及外贸进出口货物港口收费规则6)Provisions of the Customs Head Office of the P.C.C. for the Control of Goods Vehicles Luggage and Mail to the Special Economic Zone,中华人民共和国海关总署对进出经济特区的货物运输工具行李物品和邮递物品的管理规定