And the effects of packet reordering algorithm at the receiver and the error that can′t be checked out by CRC check on VJ and Twice algorithm are discussed.
subtilis were improved by two rounds of genome shuffling.
subtilis 基因工程菌,研究了核黄素操纵子的增加方式和剂量对枯草芽孢杆菌核黄素合成的影响,成功地通过增加核黄素操纵子的剂量而稳定地提高工程菌的核黄素合成能力,并通过两轮基因组重排改进了基因工程菌的生产性状。
In this paper, we are aimed to improve the spinosyn-producing strain by genome shuffling, optimization of fermentation process and scale-up of fermentation processes in 2.
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