Calculation and Parameter Regression of Polymer Flooding Injectability;
ASP test results show that the injectability of reservo.
试验结果表明 ,与聚合物驱相比 ,三元复合驱过程中注入能力下降幅度低 ,采出能力和综合含水的下降幅度大 ,在低含水期出现了乳化和结垢现象 ,三元复合驱比水驱提高采收率 2 0 %以上。
The effect of these parameters on injectability and oil displacement is further studied and the comparison can be used to optimize measuring methods and determination indexes.
结合聚合物驱在大庆油田应用情况 ,对超高分子量聚丙烯酰胺的过滤因子、粒度、分子量及特性粘数、溶解速度等主要理化参数开展了研究 ,进一步搞清了这些参数对注入能力及驱油效果的影响 ,对比优化了检测方法及判定指标 ,为确保聚合物注入质量 ,完善聚合物理化性能检测标准奠定了技术基
Based on dimensionless scaling rule by inspectional analysis,the plot displaying the relationship between dimensionless injectivity and heterogenity is established in three-phases relative permeability and capillary pressure hysteresis model by compositional simulation.
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