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total water requirement是什么意思



1)total water requirement,总需水量2)total water demand forecast,总需水量预测3)Overall aerobic quantity,总需氧量4)general demands,总需求5)aggregate demand,总需求6)Total demand,总需求


    It was not optimal general supplies equal to general demands in real economy.

    总供给等于总需求并不是现实社会经济的最佳状态 ,市场经济是竞争经济 ,只有一定程度的供大于求才能引发竞争 ,医疗卫生服务也是如此。

    There are two classical expositions about the economic utility of bonds: David Ricardo s "theorem of equal value" and Keynes view of bonds increasing general demands.

    关于公债的经济效应有两种经典的论述 ,这就是李嘉图的“等价定理”和凯恩斯的公债拉动总需求的观点。

    This article holds that the contraction of general demands in our country s economy has deep structural background.

    本文认为 ,近年来我国经济运行中出现的总需求萎缩现象有着深刻的制度背景。

    The quantitative analysis of the slope of aggregate demand curve;


    The influence of Monetary Transmission Mechanism on price and output are decided by the common effect of aggregate demands and aggregate supply,According to currercy quantity theory,the PY is decomposed into P and Y.


    In the process of this change, the aggregate demand theory has been developed greatly, so that the aggregate-demand relation, consistent with the utility maximization and rational expectations, can be derived from a dynamic optimizing general equilibrium model and serve as a building block of the new synthesis.


    the general requirement for realization of balance of total supply and total demand as indicated by the formula of reproduction; 2.
