The quantitative limits of rational debt of petroleum enterprise are calculated when total capital return ratio is higher or lower than debt capital cost respectively.
结合石油企业的生产经营特点 ,分别提出了总资本报酬率高于或低于债务资本成本时石油企业合理负债率和负债额的数量确定方法 ,并给出了案例分析。
This paper analyzes mainly the evaluation indicator of outstanding achievement of the corporations resulted from property recombination and brings forward new evaluation indicator (rate of returns of the investment, economical value added ) to evaluate more truly and accurately the outstanding achievement of the corporations
本文主要对上市公司资产重组引发的上市公司业绩评价指标的优缺点进行了分析 ,进而提出了新的评价指标投资资本报酬率、经济增加值 ,以图能够对上市公司业绩进行更准确的评
Appraising the Rate of Invested Company Return of the Quoted Company;
return on assets managed (ROAM)
Where the capital charges is the minimum acceptable rate of return.
The Cost of Capital and Return on Corporate Investment of A-share Listed Company;
Earnings, or the total return to labor, are the sum of returns to raw labor and the returns to human capital.
Intelligent Investment,Intelligent Capital and Return on Intelligent Capital;
智力投资 智力资本 智力资本报酬
Basic pay or basic salary or basic wage
Return on Working Capita
资本运用回报率 (%)
marginal rate of return over cost
Referring to the rate of return on total assets and total assets turnover, we should talk about the famous Dupont return on total assets.
This means obtaining the highest-possible return on assets and the lowest-possible cost on liabilities.
If a corporation is to increase the return on assets, it should increase the return on net sales, or increase the assets turnover.
In Dupond return on total assets, the rate can be broken down into two component ratios: the rate of return on net sales and the total assets turnover.
discounted rate
折现率 (贴现,经济报酬率)
There are two approaches to measure their performance: return on investment (ROI) and residual income (RI).
Assume that center B requires a minimum return on investment of 15 percent.
Inadequateness and Improvement of IRR in Project Investment Decision;
Study of Venture Capitalists Reward Mechanism Based on Human Capital;
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