Increase of responsive capability of nurse students by enhancing the cultivation of psychological quality and self-study ability;
加强心理素质与自学能力培养 提高护生应对能力
Self-study ability is one of the important qualities for everybody in modern society.
自学能力是现代社会每一个成员的重要素质之一 。
Under the guidance of the theme of the 16th Chinese Communist Party s Representatives Reference, network resources should be fully applied in Photoshop s teaching, to arouse students subjective initiative and study incentive, and thus to develop students self-study ability.
结合十六大精神 ,在Photoshop的教学中利用网络资源的优势、寓教于乐 ,充分调动学生的主观能动性和学习主动性 ,努力培养学生的自学能力 ,收到了良好的教学效
On cultivation of the self-educated ability of technical school students in the organic chemistry teaching;
The Student s Cultivation of Self-educated Ability in the College Physics Teaching;
The simulative experiment on self-purification ability of pollutant is carried out in the laboratory, and the influence on the degradation of organic matters by microbe under several different conditions is discussed and described with the concentration of organic matters, ATP, DO, BOD and COD.
将已知浓度的污染物石油烃加入到取自大亚湾大鹏澳天然海水中,进行污染物自净能力实验室模拟试验,探讨了各种条件下微生物对有机物降解的影响,用有机物浓度、ATP、DO、BOD5、COD 描述了有机物的降解过程。
Reducing the Number of Needy Students to elevate their ability of same-themelots;
减少贫困生群体数量 提高贫困生自救能力
Experiment Research on Advancing the Ability to Self-saving and Life Saving Through the Exercises of Swimming Wearing Clothing;
Flight will perish from the swift, And the stalwart will not strengthen his power, Nor the mighty man save his life.
The swift will not escape, the strong will not muster their strength, and the warrior will not save his life.
"Flight will perish from the swift, And the stalwart will not strengthen his power, Nor the mighty man save his life.
On Ability and Promotion for College Students Psychological self-salvation;
We had to do radical surgery, saving what we could.
There's something beautiful in knowing that you have the ability to save your sister.
It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. <The Shawshank Redemption >
The healing and redemptive power of experience lies in its ability to help us access and give birth to the deepest part of ourselves.
a horse is a false hope; his great power will not make any man free from danger.
An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great strength.
A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.
Talking about How to Strengthen the Emergency Rescue Capability of the Helmet Crew
On Assessment and Management of Search & Rescue at Sea--The Research on SAR of Guangzhou Salvage;
To their deliverer the poets paid the greatest tribute they could render.
the wind did a little abate, yet the ship having thus struck upon the sand, and sticking too fast for us to expect her getting off, we were in a dreadful condition indeed, and had nothing to do but to think of saving our lives as well as we could;
All rest of persons could have been saved in exchange of one sacrifice of oneself.
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