In order to solve the problems from obtaining reservoir's formation pressure and injectivity index of each zone by conventional methods,combined with percolation theory and the characteristics for continuous measuring the data of flow,pressure in setting the water injection profile logging unit in one run,a new method is proposed for de.
It is impossible to accurately obtain water injection profile data of macropore formation during radioisotope tracer logging operation.
Following deepness of science and research and development of technology,the problem of finding and testing super high permeability formation in water injection profile has been solved.
寻找和测试注水剖面中超高渗透层是困扰生产测井的一个技术难题 ,随着科研的深入和生产测井技术的发展 ,注入剖面中超高渗透层测试问题得到解决。
Especially analyzed are the applications in finding waterproducing zone, production profiles and injection profiles, for example, to determine OWI(OilWater Interface), sand surface, fluid density, w ater holdup, water intake capacity, production rate/injection rate, etc.
When water injection profile data are available, these data are used to calculate th.
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