Methods: A double-blind randomized study was carried out to compare the treatments of load dosage and tapered dosage benzodiazepines; Alcohol Withdrawal Scale (AWS) and Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS) were used.
目的 :比较苯二氮 艹卓 类负荷剂量法与逐日递减法治疗戒酒综合征的有效性和安全性。
In the day by day data maintenance,we have to replace the deviant data,unload and save the lack measured data and save the right data,in order to ensure the completeness and correctness of document B.
In this study,the daily variations of stable water isotopes in different reservoirs at Manaus,Brazil,are simulated and intercompared in an equilibrium year,using the Community Land Model(CLM) that is incorporated in stable isotopic effects as a diagnostic tool for an in-depth understanding of the hydrometeorological processes.
将稳定同位素效应引入CLM(Community Land Model),并对巴西马瑙斯站在平衡年的稳定水同位素的逐日变化进行模拟和分析。
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