Fast edge-matching algorithm based on hierarchical idea and projective reconstruction;
A linear iterative method for projective reconstruction based on 1D subspace is presented in the paper.
This paper proves the following results: If a pair of parallel planes or one plane and a pair of parallel lines are present in the scene, the affine reconstruction can be done linearly from two images taken by a translating camera with varying intrinsic parameters.
首先给出了无穷远平面的单应矩阵以及仿射重建算法 ,然后从数学上严格证明了下述命题 :在变参数模型下 ,如果场景中含有一张平面和一对平行直线 ,或者场景中含有两张平行平面 ,则从两个平移视点下的图像均可以线性地对场景进行仿射重建 ;文章同时指出 :如果场景中包含一对平行平面和一对平行直线 ,则从两个一般运动视点也可以线性地重建场景的仿射几何 。
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