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dactylitic texture是什么意思



1)dactylitic texture,指状结构2)dactylitic[,dækti'litik],指状晶状结构<地>3)plant homeodomain,PHD指状结构域4)metal binding finger,金属结合指(状结构)5)zinc finger domain,锌指结构6)target structure,指标结构


    Purpose To express the protein coded by the TRAF-type zinc finger domain of myasthenia gravis (MG) related gene P9( simply named as P9-ZED) and to prepare P9-ZFD polyclonal antibody.

    目的 克隆重症肌无力相关基因P9 TRAF型锌指结构域(P9 TRAF-type zinc finger domain,简称P9-ZFD)的cDNA片段及表达其编码的蛋白质,制备P9-ZFD多克隆抗体。

    This gene encodes a zinc finger protein, whose zinc finger domain shows high homology with Caenorhabditis elegans tra 1 gene, Drosophila ci D gene, human Gli oncogene and D.

    该基因编码一锌指蛋白 ,其锌指结构域与线虫的 tra- 1基因 ,果蝇的ci D基因 ,人的 Gli癌基因和果蝇的 opa基因的锌指结构域高度同源 。

    The rRP58 protein is a C 2H 2 type zinc finger protein, containing POZ domain at Nterminal and zinc finger domain (ZFD) at Cterminal.

    全长的rRP5 8基因编码产物为C2 H2 型锌指蛋白 ,含两个保守结构域 :氨基端的POZ结构域及羧基端的锌指结构域 (ZFD)。