The paper considers a positive linear map from K(X) to a function cone W and the generalized weights γ and Γintroduced by the map.
This paper focuses attention on studying the basic theory of wide angle reflection and analyzing some typical models by using Gauss Ray forward extrapolation, by which people can draw some important conclusions .
对广角反射的基本原理作了较为深入的研究 ,同时通过典型模型实例 ,采用高斯射线正演的分析方法 ,得到了一些重要的结论 :采用广角反射可以得到信噪比比常规方法高的地震信息 ,这对地震数据的处理十分有用 ;广角反射波信息出现在直达波以外 ,炮检距很大 ,但能量比非广角反射波能量高。
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