Hereby strain and relaxation refer to the relationship between various musical factors in piano performance, also to the harmony between the two opposites in piano performance and performing psychology.
Chang Ting(1884 ̄1950), a native of Tongcheng, Anhui, was a botanist and an educationist in biology.
According to the character istics and control quality for tensile force of paper,the module of control system is estimated and a fuzzy PID controller with adaptive ability is put forward in the paper.
In the gravitational gauge theory of Vierbein representation of the local Lorentz group,the tension tensor of gravitational fields are reasonably defined,the general covariant motion equations of gravitational fields are given.
Finite element analysis of tension effect on deformation in the RSM rolling process;
Finite Element Analysis of Influence Parameters on Tension of Φ200 mm H11 Steel Round Bar for Mandrel during Hot Continuous Rolling;
Φ200mm H11芯棒钢热连轧过程张力影响因素的有限元分析
Modeling analysis for unwinding aluminum cingulum's tension control system;
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