To recognize circular boundaries,a mixed probability density function that can generate the circular spatial point pattern is built up.
The problem of steady flow through reservoirs with elliptical boundary is very important in reservoir engineering,especially for anisotropic permeability reservoirs.
椭圆形边界油藏渗流问题是油气田开发尤其是各向异性油藏工程中具有重要意义的问题 ,但一直没有得到较好的解决。
Researches on heave of circular deep foundation pits with super diameters;
Principle of shaft large diameter circular homogenizing silo and characteristic analysis.;
Analyzing the working condition of a circular cage collar made from PE pipes,we come to the conclusion that the bending fatigue of the pipe in the radial direction is the main factor and the circumference of the cage collar is constant during deformation.
Through comparing and analyzing several selective projects: rectangle (square), special hexagon and circle, a conclusion is made that in the wireless blind-chess guidin.
Circle in the Expression of Landscape Design;
By analyzing and comparing the both punching technology for the rotundity cover on container, a new compound process of the falling-drawing-curlling was adopted by analyzing the rotundity cover's shape and material and size.
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