Shen Congwen′s literary reviews of Lu Xun: from alienation to acceptance;
A preliminary study on research system and methods of tourism migration;
Mainly concentrated in four aspects:the tourism migration definition and type,the causes,socio-economic impacts,and round-trip.
Recently a new phenomenon of human migration based on mass tourism ——tourism migration has been highly concerned by foreign scholars.
An improved Rymaszewski s formulas was deduced taking into account the shift of probes in square four_point probe measurement.
提出用改进的Rymaszewski公式并使用方形四探针法测试无图形大型硅片微区薄层电阻的方法 ,从理论上推导出方形四探针产生游移时的Rymaszewski改进公式 ,讨论探针游移对测试结果的影响 。
Since Sven Hedin,a Swede,proposed the view that the"Lop Nur"is a wandering lake,this view has aroused a dispute in the academic communities both in China and abroad.
This paper discusses the causes of the functional shift of the distinguishing words from the point of grammar, semantics and pragmatics.
In this essay,by using the growth and decline of noun s typical attributes,we try to analyze the functional shift between non-predictive adjective and noun from the dynamic point.
The semantic of noun has dynamic nature and some certain action sense and auxiliary meaning,which is the internal proof for noun functional shift.
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