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今天是:2025年3月14日 星期五

after treatment profile log是什么意思



1)after treatment profile log,油井处理后生产剖面测井2)aftertreatment profile log,油井处理后生产剖面测井3)oil well,油井4)oil wells,油井5)production well,油井6)oil-well,油井7)well,油井8)oil derrick,油井设备;油井架9)oil wellpipe blank,油井管坯10)pump well,抽油井


    Plug removal technology of oil wells based on acid surfactants;


    Radial temperature distribution in production oil wells;


    Slow releasing sold scale inhibitor for oil wells;


    To solve the problem of scaling and corrosion of oil wells, HS-1 corrosion inhibitor was developed by synthesizing organic acid, organic amine and corresponding auxiliary materials.


    This tool and the logging tool with the spinner flowmeter are seperately run in a production well in a polymer flooding field in Daqing Oilfield and their compared result is given .

    介绍了该仪器在大庆北区 1口聚驱产出井与配接涡轮流量计仪器的对比结果 ,重点对电导式相关流量测井仪在大庆喇嘛甸油田的 2口产出油井中的测井结果进行了分析。

    Actual investigation radius of the production well can not be calculated, and all the equations of investigation radius are approximately treated.

    油井实际的探测半径是无法计算的 ,所有计算探测半径的公式都是一种近似处理 ,从实用的角度出发得到了一个计算油井探测半径的新公式 ,该公式与计算测试井到断层距离的计算公式是统一的 ,概念上也更加便于理解 ,是一个具有实用价值的近似公

    In this study, 16S rDNA based PCR amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) was used to monitor the microbial diversity in an injection well (12#9-11) and two related production wells (12#9-9S、1.

    使用基于 16 S r DNA的 PCR- DGGE(变性梯度凝胶电泳 )图谱分析结合条带割胶回收 DNA进行序列分析 ,对新疆克拉玛依油田一中区注水井 (12 # 9- 11)和与该注水井相应的两个采油井 (12 # 9- 9S、13# 11- 8)井口样品微生物群落的多样性进行了比较并鉴定了部分群落成员。

    This paper introduces a detector for sensing oil-well data based on AT89C55 single chip computer and RTX-51.


    Remote monitoring,and on-line measurement,analysis and optimization system for oil-well is described.


    The research on the red mud for the oil-well filling agent was carried out.


    Error Analysis of Packer Flowmeter for Pump Well;


    Two phases of gas and liquid in annular of pump well are separated, which results in a segment of low density fluid existing in liner jacket.


    According to the present state of pump well system efficiency, the paper analyzed the factors of influence system efficiency.
