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reservoir summary parameter是什么意思



1)reservoir summary parameter,油藏累加参数2)reservoir parameter,油藏参数3)variation of reservoir parameter,油藏参数变化4)reservoir engineering parameter,油藏工程参数5)the accumulated chord length cubic parametric spline,累加弦长三次参数样条6)Parameters cumulate,参数累积


    Study of reservoir parameter change after water injection in high water-cut oilfield;


    This paper proposes an algorithms of total optimization based on the method of the orthogonal experiment to estimate directly wellbore and reservoir parameters in single layered,boundless reservoirs from the possible bound of the unknown parameters.


    The advances in time-lapse seismic were mainly in 3-D prestack seismic simulation, data processing aimed at improvement of repeatability, and inversion of reservoir parameters.

    从第 6 5届EAGE年会上有关四维地震的论文看 ,四维地震的进展主要表现在三维叠前地震模拟、提高重复性处理以及油藏参数反演等方面。

    On the basis of analyzing the theory of forming method of the milling helical surface, this paper presents contact condition equation and calculates the slope angle of discrete points on end cuspidate of workpieces based on the accumulated chord length cubic parametric spline method and offers mathematical model of the cutter profile.
