An economic analysis of reservoir natural production in middle and later stages;
Factors influencing viscosity of association polymer solution of reservoirs in Bohai Oilfield;
Vectorial well arrangement in anisotropic reservoirs;
Electrical resistance heating(ERH) is a new thermal stimulation technique for recovering heavy oil reservoirs.
It is necessary to optimize the calibration method suit-able for the recoverable reserves of solution gas in the oil reservoirs in complex fault blocks.
The article first analyzes the main characteristics, procedure and latest mode of foreign oil pool management & administration, then introduces the status of oil pool management & administration in domestic oilfield enterprises as well as the gap between China and foreign countries.
This paper has mainly discussed the similarities and differences between oil pools and gas pools in the respects of hydrocarbon sources,reservoir properties,migration and accumulation mechanisms,and preserving conditions.
作为流体矿藏 ,气藏与油藏的形成和分布具有相似性 ,都需要经过由分散到富集的成藏过程。
Effects of wettability and its evolution on oil reservoir recovery;
Research on numerical simulation of ZT2 oil reservoir development;
16S rRNA genes comparative analysis of microbial community in nutrientinjected oil reservoir by the T-RFLP method;
营养注入后油藏微生物群落16S rRNA基因的T-RFLP对比分析
In the past two decades, various reservoir upscaling theories and methods have been proposed for reservoir characterization and reservoir simulation.
近20年来,由于油藏描述与油藏模拟的需要,人们提出了许多油藏模型网格粗化(Reservoir Upscaling)的理论与方法。
Experiment on stress sensitivity in low permeability sandstone reservoir;
Experiment:water flooding characteristics of low oil saturation sandstone reservoirs;
Comprehensive evaluation of low permeability sandstone reservoir by geochemistry and well logging-taking Jishan sandstone reservoir of Shanghe Oilfield as an exampIe;
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