The post should extend the services of transportation of materials,break through the service of “Transportation of Materials”,and also grasp the chances for the development of new postal services suited to information societ
信息社会为邮政发展带来机遇 ,邮政应延伸传统的实物传递业务 ,并突破“实物传递”,不失时机地发展适应信息社会需求的邮政业
The Suzhou postal service network provides the network foundation transmission platform for the whole city postal service system and the work system.
Aiming at overall appraising the economic and social effect of post enterprise,this paper works out a comprehensive index system to evaluate the development of post service on business scale,service quality,development potentialities,development coordination,etc.
以全面考核邮政企业经济效益、社会效益为目标 ,给出了在业务规模、服务质量、经济效益、发展潜力、发展协调度等多方面综合评价邮政业务发展的指标体
The paper analyzes the telecom service income increasing rate and the post service income increasingrate by using the R/S analysis.
本文应用R/S 分析法测定了电信业务收入增长率、邮政业务收入增长率的Hurst 指数,指出通信市场业务收入增长率存在强持久性,并初步测度了电信业务收入增长率的记忆周期长度,为进一步研究我国通信市场的波动特征提供了依据。
She runs a mail - order business from home .
Our mail orders are now running at $ 1, 200 a week.
For customers in North American and Europe, please contact our licensed distributors, as we do not offer direct mail order service outside of China.
"and the services to be exploited are ceremony express service, ceremonial letters, postal purchase, commercial letters, e-mail and many others."
The minimum spending amount for your order is HK$200 and you will automatically become a member of “2008 Overseas Mail Order Service”.
We can also buy stamps at the "Shopping Mall".
We rely on part - time staff for most of our mail - order business .
purchases made by semipublic organizations such as universities, utilities, and the postal service.
specialize in attending to units' and individuals' mail orders all over China with expediency and accuracy
Our post office specializes in attending to units' and individuals' mail orders all over China with expediency and accuracy.
We provide Products Knowlege, Installation, Sales and Service training course.
Next month our neighBorhood service centre will Begin to provide the service of Buying agent for mail order.
"Traditional services include letter service which is the sole business of the posts, parcel service, newspaper distribution, international postal services and stamp collection service."
The postal kiosks and newspaper and periodical stands shall be the service points of postal enterprises.
the sheer volume of business, work, mail, etc
大量的业务、 工作、 邮件等
Our company welcomes warmly new and old the customer and each side guest go to our company to consult the business and visit and do shopping.
Abstract: Mecoxlane is the first foreign-owned mailorder company in China.
The ultimate in shopping convenience, of course, is the catalogue.
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