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1)selectivehydrolysis,优先水解2)selective hydrolysis,优先水解<冶>3)priority,优先4)prior control,优先控制5)Preferential Flotation,优先浮选6)Selective flotation,优先浮选


    So,it not only becomes the priority object for governments in the world to develop,but also has especial meanings for China developing public transportation when our country facing challenges of mobility and city modernization.


    As our actually situation,the city should be firstly developing the public transport priority and make the main of the public transportation.


    Started from the pollution status of organic toxicants along Yangste river in Jiangsu provinces,the sifting method of priority organic toxicants are present and applied,some suggestions of pre-warning system of prior control organic toxicants are listed in this paper.


    The article refers to some sifting methods about prior controlled chemicals at home and abroad.


    The results indicated that the separation between copper and zinc was actualized through which first selecting copper by controlling zinc through rational combination of Na2S,ZnSO4 and Na2SO3,at last selecting zinc from copper tailing using preferential flotation flowsheet.


    Some copper is preferentially floated firstly with ERAZII as capture agent, then the copper and lead co-preferential flotation is conducted, and finally the copper concentrate and lead concentrate are separated from the mixed concentrate.


    The small and pilot scale tests of separating lead,Zinc from cyanide tail are described,Adopting preferential flotation method to recover lead, zinc from cyanide tail open vast vista in the similar mines.

    用优先浮选方法 ,从氰化尾矿中回收铅、锌工艺 ,在同类矿山中的应用前景看好 ,可为企业创造新的经济增长点。

    Enhancement of copper and gold concentrates indexes by using selective flotation process;


    Experimental results showed that applying selective flotation process and optimum reagent condition can efficiently separate the lead-zinc minerals and obtain lead concentrate of 63.


    In view of the characteristics of the PbZn sulphide ore of fine dissemination size and complicated intergrowth relations,a flotation flowsheet was put forward,which consists of selective flotation of lead minerals with Na_2CO_3 and ZnSO_4 as regulators,DZ as zinc depressant,ammonium dibutyl dithiophosphate as collector,and zinc flotation using CuSO_4 as activator,butyl xanthate as collector.
