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ignition control compound是什么意思



1)ignition control compound,易燃化学品2)ICC,易燃化学品3)combustible,易燃4)inflammable coal seam,易燃煤层5)flammable and explosive,易燃易爆6)flammable materials,易燃物质7)inflammable liquid,易燃液体8)flammable gas,易燃气体9)flammability,易燃性10)easy combustion and explosion,易燃易爆


    The origin and effusing pattern of gas at fully mechanized face with caving of roof coal in the inflammable coal seam,spile-drainage methods in mined area were introduced briefly,the experiences can be used for reference for gas drainage in the similar condition.


    Examination method of independent lighting rod in flammable and explosive place;


    For the fire accident in the flammable materials transportation,two-phase-coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian model and particle stochastic model are established,and a numerical simulation of fire accident of leakage of the truck filled with liquefied propane in tunnel is conducted based on the component mixture fraction model.


    Inflammable liquid(in vapor state)in the vessel or bag was adsorbed on the PA(ester of polypropenoic acid)fibre through syringe needle of the SPME installation for 5-10 min.

    将从火场残留物中所取得的样品置于密封的金属罐或塑料袋中,置于烘箱中在80℃加热20~30 min,在固体微萃取装置中用聚丙烯酸酯纤维通过针头将密封容器中的易燃液体(此时已成气态)吸附,吸附时间为5~10 min,然后将易燃液体从纤维上解吸并进样于气相色谱仪器中,按预定的条件进行气相色谱-质谱分析。

    Analysis of test standards for the flammability of textiles in American;


    Interpretation of BS 5852 for flammability assessment of upholstered seating textile;

    对座椅织物易燃性能评价标准BS 5852的解读

    The flammability of fresh leaves of 10 woody species in central Yunnan Province was evaluated by means of comparing the difference between the heat released from the burning of fresh leaf extracts and the heat consumed by water evaporation from the same extract of fresh leaves.


    Tower tubular steel structures were demolished by directional blasting under the environment of easy combustion and explosion.
