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first order differential是什么意思



1)first order difference,一阶差分2)first difference,一阶差分3)first order differential,一阶差分4)method of first order difference,一阶差分法5)first order difference plot,一阶差分散点图6)modified first order differential,改进的一阶差分


    At the meantime,during the procedure of pre-processing,according to the character that the illumination conditions on the scene of the expressway toll collection frequently change a lot,the algorithm of first difference combining the method of fixing the threshold of binarization via accumulating the points was used to complete the job of extracting the outline of the image.


    Realizing of algorithm of composite data filter and eliminating singular term using first difference method in data collection and processing were analyzed and calculation results were given.


    The classical moving average technique and first order differential were used for segmentation.

    先采用移动平均法(moving average,MA)和一阶差分法确定SEMG信号中对应的每个动作波形的起止点,再利用递归量化分析(recurrence quantifica-tion analysis,RQA)方法提取各种动作波形的非线性特征参量(确定率、递归率等),由两路SEMG信号的这些特征参量构成特征矢量,输入BP(back propagation)神经网络,完成对不同动作的分类。

    Combined with the first order differential algorithm, this method has solved the problem successfully.


    Being directed against the strange signals in feed forward AGC in Benxi Iron and Steel Company, this paper applies the method of first order difference to forecast the change of signals, and thenpretreats them.


    Compared with Poincare plot the first order difference plot is better at time serial difference analysis.
