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addressing fault是什么意思



1)addressing fault,寻址故障2)addressing exception,寻址故障3)addressing,寻址4)address,寻址5)ADSEL Address Selective,寻址6)Addressing (ADDR),寻址7)indirect addressing,间接寻址8)automatic addressing,自动寻址9)Address power,寻址功耗10)Addressing speed,寻址速度


    Research of routing addressing strategy based on H.225.0 Annex G protocol for inter-domain communication;

    基于H.225.0Annex G协议的域间路由寻址策略

    Research on Computer Network Resources Naming and Addressing Technologies;


    Research on the Addressing of Web Service Based on WS-Addressing;

    基于WS-Addressing的Web Service寻址技术研究

    IPv6 s address and routing of internet protocol is studied academically, the background of IPv6 is introduced, IPv6 s address pattern and routing protocol is discussed.


    But SOAP protocol does not standardize addressing between web services in the design stage,affecting the its transmission neutral characteristics of web services.


    A Discussion about the Relation of C Language Pointer and Assemble Language Indirect Addressing——Giving Analysis from the Storage Space Digraph;


    The system of automatic addressing and control of televiewing in CATV integrates with the theories about communication, software, automatization cortrol, etc, in order to automatically search for CATV terminal addressing and controlling the audience state.


    Through the analysis on the driving scheme design, two main adjustable factors, the addressing speed and the sustain pulse frequency, that can influence the SMPDP brightness directly were presented.

    本文通过对驱动时序方案中可能影响 SMPDP亮度指标的因素进行分析和实验 ,指出了寻址速度和维持脉冲频率两大因素对显示屏亮度指标的核心影响 ,并讨论了如何利用该结果改进驱动时序参数设计从而提高 SMPDP显示亮