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new development well是什么意思



1)new development well,新钻井2)new drilling technique,钻井新工艺3)new methods of drilling,钻井新方法4)novel drilling method,新钻井方法5)drilling ahead,套管鞋下钻井;重新钻井6)aerated foam drilling fluid,新型充气钻井液


    Under the economic constraint conditions,the economic limits of new development wells reflect the demand of investment decision-making.


    Facing the technical challenges of logging in horizontal wells, and combining with the application of new drilling techniques, this paper studies a logging method for horizontal wells which is different from conventional geological logging technology so as to make full use of the geological orientation significance of logging in horizontal wells.


    New aerated foam drilling fluid, using a special plant fiber named KWS as fluid material, not only has the characteristics of low density, high ability of removing cuttings and lower use of water, but also has the perforation of rejecting of the Na~+ s and Ca~(2+) s affection.

    利用特殊植物纤维KW S作为泥浆处理剂的新型充气钻井液,不仅具有常规充气钻井液低密度、排粉能力强、节约用水等优点,还可以不受钠、钙离子的影响,提高钻井泡沫稳定性和钻井液抗盐能力。