Moral hazard of syndicate and financing market;
New Design of Financing Plan for SMS Enterprises to Seek Loans from Banks——relationship- based loan and managing and controlling on choice by bank syndicate;
This paper introduces and discusses the training models in America and Australia, such as problem-based model, same-generation mutual-assistance model, school principal professional development model and syndicated model, so as to adopt the powers from all quarters for our own use and promote th.
校长培训是一个世界关注的教育命题 ,很多国家在校长培训模式方面进行改革 ,开发新的培训模式 ,本文介绍并探讨了美国和澳大利亚出现的问题为中心模式、同侪互助模式、促进校长专业发展模式和辛迪加模式 ,以期博采众长 ,为我所用 ,促进我国中小学校长培训工作的发展。
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