This paper introduces the basic principles of the branching bounding algorithem It mainly discusses two difficult points during the implementation of theis algorithm They are the searching of the branching node and the replace of the data of the active nod
本文介绍分支与定界算法的基本原理 ,着重讨论了此算法在具体实现过程中遇到的两个难点 :分支结点的寻找和当前结点对应数据的生
An efficient branch and bound algorithm for CMST problem;
Aimed at the lack of research on two-sided assembly line balancing problem status in quo,the characteristics of two-sided assembly line were analyzed and the special requirements of balancing were studied,the mathematical model was built,then a balancing algorithm which was based on branch and bound was developed.
This article presents a branch and bound algorithm for globally solving the sum of convex-convex ratios problem with nonconvex feasible region.
In order to solve this model, a revised branch-and-bound algorithm is designed and illustrated by a numerical example.
Finally, a branch-and-bound algorithm is presented.
A reduced branch and bound approach for solving quadratic programming problem with quadratic constraints;
This model is a mixed integerlinear program (MILP), and is solved with a branch and bound (B&B) algorithm.
This paper discusses the problem and presents a branch and bound technique to find alternate optimal solutions for assignment problem.
本文讨论了该问题 ,并提出一种求指派问题多重最优解的分枝定界
To speed up retrieval, the index is built up based on Keogh lower bound.
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