Summing up of slant drilling hole grouting of the Jintian reservoir s stone masonry dam;
In order to prevent seepage in stone masonry arch dams, the dam body is usually composed of different materials.
Seepage proof facing plate or watertight concrete layer often locates in stone masonry arch dam.
Reinforcement design for Shichengz masonry arch dam;
Integrated with contact theory, the finite element method software ANSYS is used to calculate the interface between the new and the old mass of dam after the heightening and thickening of masonry arch dam.
In recent years, the types of masonry arch dams in Fujian are gradually diversified and optimized, and develop to new, light, high and thin types.
福建省的砌石拱坝设计体型日趋多样化 ,并向新颖、轻、高和薄的方向发展 。
The dam of Tapangou Reservoir is a dry-laid masonry dam with grouted stone gravity wall,its strength and stability do not satisfy the standard request and should be enhanced through consolidation grouting and curtain grouting.
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