Design and implementation of dynamic access control of WebMIS based on hierarchy roles;
EDA technology and method of hierarchy is used to design a four-people answering machine.
The modification of roles in hierarchy RBAC is very difficult.
The Hierarchical Network Monitoring Model with Bounded Bandwidth and Delay Constraints;
The Design of Virtual Enterprise Architecture and the Hierarchical Simulation s Research;
Research Of An Hierarchical Pornographic Image Recognition Algorithm On Web;
Experionce of Evidence-based Nursing in First Chemotherapy Patients with Malignant Tumor;
The content of continuing education of computer teacher should be diversificat , individual and layering; The eduction model should be various.
The design idea of the electronic system from top level to bottom(or from abstract to concrete);the adoption of ISP Synario System development environment to design a digital circuit layering;and the validate of the reliability of the design through emulation.
从顶层到底层(从抽象到具体)的电子系统设计思想,采用ISP Synario System开发环境对一个数字电路进行层次化设计,并通过仿真验证其设计的可靠性。
In this paper we study the homogenization of the nonlinear wave equation uε div(Aε Δuε) + g(uε ) = fε in Ωε × (0,T), where Ωε is a periodically perforated domain and g is a non-decreasing scalar function.
本文研究如下非线性波动方程的齐次化问题 uε''div(AεΔuε) + g(uε') = fε in Ωε× (0,T),在Ωε× (0,T) 内,这里Ωε为一周期穿孔区域,g为一非降标量函数,我们首先证明该问题解的存在性与唯一性,然后论证该解收敛于其齐次化问题的解。
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