A method for determining the fragility of package productS by means of converting half sineshock Phlse coming from drop test into rectangular shock pulse is proposed while the theoretical analysisand experimental verify are carried out in the paper.
This paper introduces the meth od of making Hopkinson Pressure Bar produce the shock pulse, evaluates and measure s the performance of the wide-range pulse accelerometer, and makes calibration o n its accelerating sensibility through theoretical numerical value calculation, the calibration range of which can be from 5 000 g to 200 000 g.
The impact pulse testing technique,one of the simplest,easy and reliable method for monitoring rolling bearing,the related practical instrument-BT200 intellective fault testing instrument for bearing and the effect of this instrument used on the equipments of steel plant were introduced.
The paper introduced a new technique of monitoring and diagnosing eqiupment by a shock pulsimeter.
Application of shock impulse method on motor bearing fault diagnosis;
It is imperative to develop the Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) series with different systems to adapt various detected objects, especially the ground penetrating radar with pulse system.
Dynamic Simulation of the Random Shock Impulse Generator;
Impulse radar, also known as non-career radar and video pulse radar, is a branch or a special case of the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radar.
The detection of conceal targets using impulse radar has become one of the hottest areas of the development of radar technology.
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