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1)submatrix,子(矩)阵2)molecular matrix,分子矩阵3)submatrix,子矩阵4)sub-matrix Pθ,子矩阵Pθ5)operator matrices,算子矩阵6)sub-matrix,子矩阵7)operator matrix,算子矩阵8)Electron matrix,电子矩阵9)factor matrix,因子矩阵10)hat matrix,帽子矩阵


    The expression and transformation of refinery stream bulk properties and composition based on molecular matrix;


    Let γ(A) denote the number of nonzero entries in the inverse of an invertible submatrix A of M(G).

    设 M( G)是简单无向图 G的关联矩阵 ,A是 M( G)的可逆子(矩)阵 ,γ( A)是逆矩阵 A- 1中非零元素的个数 。

    An equality is proved by discussing the relationship between a matrix and its submatrix and a test statistical variable for the parameter hypothesis test of liner model (Y,Xβ,σ 2I n) is obtained.

    通过证明矩阵 X,X′X及其子(矩)阵的一个关系式 ,得到了多元正态线性模型( Y,X﹀,σ2 In)中参数﹀的假设检验问题的检验统计

    A new result about the relation between the singular values of an arbitrary matrix and those of its submatrix,which is called generalized interlacing theorem,is presented.

    给出关于任意一矩阵与子(矩)阵的奇异值关系 ,称之为广义分隔定理。

    However,they are involved with the assumption that the sub-matrix Pθ is invertible.


    A novel fast approximative algorithm, where the flexible sub-matrixes were selected according to the node position of oil film pressure on bush loading surface,was then presented .


    Program diagnosis method based on operator matrix model;


    The necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for the existence of the rational solutions of differential equations by constructing the differential operator and establishing the operator matrixes,and the corresponding results collected in Ref.


    By using the block operator matrix,when the range of A is closed,the sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of solutions and positive operator solutions of the operator equation AXA*=B and the representation of the solutions are established.


    It is known that Hat Matrix is very important in the influence analysis of the unconstrained regression.

    影响分析是研究回归问题的一个重要环节 ,提到影响分析 ,必须引进帽子(矩)阵

    Hat matrix has special effect in regression diagnostics and residual analysis.

    子(矩)阵在回归诊断 ,残差分析中有着特殊的作用 ,讨论帽子(矩)阵H =(hij)元素的性质非常重要。