Hertz s experimental researches on the cathode rays and his important influence;
Studies on the solubility law of cathode ray tube frit;
The foam glass-ceramic have developed by sinter method using waste cathode ray tube glass as raw material and SiC as foaming agent.
In order to study the electromagnetic radiation character of CRT, in this paper, the electromagnetic radiation of electron beam in cathode ray tube of computer video display unit is analyzed and calculated, and experiment test result is provided.
Study on preparation of foam glass from waste cathode ray tubes and its performance;
Complete sets of finite element models have been developed for the mask as well as for all parts of the cathode ray tube (CRT) to best simulate the realistic situation.
建立了包括阴极射线管 (CRT)里所有部件的完整的有限元模型。
This paper gives an introduction to three kinds of display:CRT(Cathode Ray Tube),LCD(Liquid Crystal Display),and PDP(Plasma Display Panel);analyses their rationale,structural features,and evolution;and makes a comparison between their strong points and weak points.
本文介绍了显示器中常用的三种显示器件 :CRT阴极射线管、LCD液晶和PDP等离子体。
It will go into history as that of CRT.
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