This paper indicates the influence on component quality by introducing the constant linear velocity circuit of automatic winding-machine for power capacitor component.
To overcome the shortcoming caused by the mechanical 135 film inspection system,an automatic controlled,constant line speed,constant tension 135 film inspection system has been successfully invented by applying the automatic control technology,practical use showed that the overall 135 film inspection technology is thus promoted to a novel bench.
Based on specific demand in machining process, a constant line speed control method is proposed, which is used in variable frequency speed control system.
In order to carry out the constant line speed and the constant tension for the rolling of plastic films during reversal,loop control of the rotating speeds and the tension is adopted.
为实现翻转过程中薄膜的恒线速度、恒张力控制 ,采用转速和张力的闭环控制 ,将线速度作为主控制变量 ,进行综合控制。
In order to carry out the constant line speed for the rolling of the plastic film, the closed loop control for the rotate speed and the tension is adopted, which is to put the effect of the tension into the speed adjustment.
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