It is found that this coufiguration will generally result in better linearity between the phase coujugation and object beam intensities and in a larger phase conjugating wavefront reflectivity.
Study on AVO pre-stack inversion technology;
In recent years,seismic pre-stack inversion becomes the hot point of seismic attribute and inversion study.
Application of prestack inversion in Sulige area;
The prediction accuracy for the effective reservoir can be improved by using prestack inversion to calculate elastic impedance and elastic parameters.
The common-used prestack inversion often carries out approximate linear processing for non-linear objective function, which makes inverted results approach to the global optimum solution; otherwise, it is easy to fall into local minimum.
It can be classified into prestack inversion and poststack inversion, and poststack inversion can further be classified into trace integration, recursion inversion and model inve.
迭前反演主要指 AVO反演 ,它是地震剖面迭加以前利用反演振幅随炮检距变化的特征进行波阻抗反演 ;而迭后反演根据测井资料在其中所起作用大小分为 :道积分、递推反演、模型反演三种反演技术 。
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