Oscillopolarographic titration was applied to the determination of copper in aluminum alloys.
Oscillopolarographic titration was applied to the determination of Al and Fe in copper alloys.
Oscillographic titration of lead and tin in pewter;
K + can be quantitatively precipitated with sodium tetraphenylboron(Na\|TPB) in HAC\|NaAC buffer solution (pH5~6) and the amount of excess Na\|TPB can be determined by oscillographic titration with a standard solution of tetraethylammonium chlorid monohydrat.
报道了用示波滴定法测定黄原酸钾含量 ,在 p H5~ 6的 HAc- Na Ac缓冲底液中 ,加入四苯硼钠 ( Na- TPB)沉淀 K+ ,过量的 Na- TPB用氯化四乙基铵标准溶液滴定 ,滴至 Na- TPB示波图切口消失为终点 ,终点直观敏锐 ,方法快速简便 ,准确度、精密度均高。
Application of Oscillo-titration Method for Environmental Monitoring——Determination of Soluble Oxygen, Chlorine, Calcium and Magnesium in the Water;
This paper studies on a new method of determining Cu (Ⅱ) in foliar microelement fertilizer containing humic acid by using oscillo-titration.
This paper reports that oscillo-titration method may be used for the determination of patassium content for organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.
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