In order to measure departure from straightness, a new method is designed to change the slit separation and the distance of interference fringes by making the turning of Lloyd's mirror caused by departure from straightness in the improved Lloyd's mirror apparatus.
利用改进的洛埃镜干涉装置,设计了由直线度误差使洛埃镜偏转,通过改变等效双狭缝间距,进而改变干涉条纹间距的新的直线度误差测量方法 由导出的直线度误差与干涉条纹间距之间的关系,并用最小包容区域法对直线度误差进行评定 测量结果表明,新的直线度误差测量方法是可行的 此方法特别适用于短距离连续空间直线度误差的测量,并且测量系统具有结构简单、操作方便、精度高、应用范围广等优
A new method of measuring the Young's elastic modulus of metal by the combination of the apparatus of the Lloyd's mirror and linear CCD sensor as the detector is proposed in this paqer.
Then the author calculated the transmissivity of representative polarization prism,just as Rochon prism s in the crystal optics.
In this paper, structure, polarizing principle and characteristics of the Rochon prism used in HITACHI 180_Series Zeeman atomic absorption spectrophotometers are described.
This article given the accurate description of reverse splitting angle of the Rochan prism in detail,and compared to the forward splitting angle;it also analysed the reason why a branch of beams extinction ratio is very poor,The reason is that it occurs conoscopic interference when light transmission along the optic axis.
给出了洛匈棱镜反向应用时的分束角的精确表达式 ,并与正向应用时的分束角作了比较 ;分析了反向应用时其中一束光消光比不高的原因 :光束顺着光轴传播时产生的锥光干涉所致。
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