Sprayed BaSO 4 diffuser plate is the most Lambertian surface actually used in spectral radiance calibration known by now.
通过实验测量硫酸钡漫反射板 2 5 0~ 4 0 0nm的半球反射率和双向反射分布函数表明 ,实测的双向反射分布函数与假定漫反射板为朗伯表面根据测量的半球反射率计算的双向反射分布函数的相对差值为 6 7% ,实测的双向反射分布函数随散射角的变化可达 2 8%。
The soil with relatively high moisture was represented as Non Lambert reflector,while the soil with low moisture was represented as Lambert reflector.
The concept of Lambert reflector used in the phenomenon of optical diffuse scattering and the analytical method were introduced.
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