In this article,the abilities of variance and mutual correlation coefficient absolute value to distinguish cutting chatter are studied.
By utilizing contrast means of signal-to-noise ratio, cross-correlation coefficient and mutual information rate, in order to simulate ability of cerebrum system in signal detection, stochastic resonance in EEG dynamics model was studied.
In algorithm 1,adaptive filter error signal s average amplitude is combined with cross-correlation coefficient between error signal and output signal of adaptive filter to distinguish EPC from DT.
IACC is one of the important factors to evaluate sound field.
1) in Dayao, Yunnan in 2003 using cross-correlation coefficient method, after determining the high-resolution hypocentral locations of the earthquake sequences using the double-difference earthquake location algorithm.
The minimum co_correlation coefficients and the difference of them can provide evidently the information of the position and strength of edges,which implies that the analysis with co_correlation coefficients can be used for edge .
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