Spectral sensitivity of the compound eye in the lacewing Chrysopa sinica Tjedar;
External morphology and microstructure of the compound eye of Chrysopa pallens Ramber (Neuroptera:Chrysopidae);
Morphology and ultrastructure of compound eye in horseshoe crab,Tachypleus tridentatus;
Ultrastructure of development of compound eyes before and after hatching in Macrobrachium nipponense;
日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)孵化前后复眼发育的超微结构研究
Study on the development of compound eyes during the embryonic and larval stages in Macrobrachium nipponense.Ⅰ.The macrostructure and histological structure study;
日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)胚胎及幼体复眼发育的研究Ⅰ.外形和组织结构研究
The effect with different light on the ultrastructure of the compound eyes of Metapenaeus ensis;
Two designs of the fly eye lenses are introduced on basis of the analysis on liquid crystal projection displays.
对于复眼照明系统 ,复眼透镜的良好设计可以大大提高系统的能量利用率。
A application for the missile based on ommateum s structure and function is proposed, and a model based on ommateum is given.
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