The DRESOR method based on Monte Carlo method was developed to study the inflence of different incident radiation,boundary reflection,scattering albedo,optical thickness and anisotropic scattering on the transient radiative transfer in a one-dimensional slab filled with an absorbing,scat- tering and non-emitting medium.
用基于Monte Carlo法的DRESOR法在平行平板系统内具有吸收、无发射介质中研究不同波形入射、壁面反射、介质散射率、光学厚度、各向异性散射等条件对瞬态辐射传递的影响。
A time-dependent DRESOR(Distributions of Ratios of Energy Scattered by the medium Or Reflected by the boundary surface)method based on the Monte Carlo method (MCM) is developed to solve transient radiative transfer equation within an absorbing, non-emitting and isotropic scattering medium with the reflection of the boundary.
用基于蒙特卡洛法(Monte Carlo Method,MCM)的DRESOR法(Distributions of Ratios of Energy Scattered by the medium Or Reflected by the boundary surface)求解入射辐射经过介质散射、壁面反射传递后辐射强度随时间变化的瞬态辐射传递方程(Transient RadiativeTransfer Equation,TRTE)问题。
In order to reveal the dynamical characteristics of transient thermal rub impact in a hot bending rotor system,the transient transfer matrix method was used to develop the dynamical equations of unsteady thermal rub impact through combining Riccati transfer matrix method with Wilson-θ method.
The strain transfer factor, k , is proposed for the characterization of the deformation transfer from the material measured to the sensor.
The measuring accuracy of FBG strain sensor is mainly determined by the physical and mechanical performance of bare fiber,protective coating,adhesive layer and host material;namely the interface strain transfer characteristics between these layers.
Optic fiber Bragg grating sensor requires a strain transfer coefficient when it is embedded in or adhered to the structure due to an interlayer between structure and sensor.
Transient Transfer Matrix Method for Thermal Rub-Impact Faults in Hot Bending Rotor System
Transient Response Analysis of Frame Structure Embedded Partially in Soil by the Method of Reverberation-Ray Matrix;
A Study on the Vibration and Transient Response of Frames by the Method of Reverberation Ray Matrix
Research on Dynamic Design of Vibration Screen Based on Transfer Matrix
Dynamic property analysis on vibratory shaft of road rollers via transfer matrix method
Transient Response of Frames Subjected to Suddenly Applied Step Displacement with the Reverberation Ray Matrix;
Research on the Active Magnetie Rotor System Dynamic Characteristics based on Transfer Mstrix Method;
Whole Transmission Matrix Method for Stable Unbalanced Response Analysis of a Geared System
A transfer matrix method in frequency domain for lateral vibration of liquid-filled pipes
Precise transfer matrix method for resolving natural frequencies of structures
Reverberation-transfer matrix for wave propagation in a multilayered solid
Study on acoustical performance of a ventilation and sound insulation window using transfer matrix method
Research on Application of Transfer Matrix Method in Structural Analysis of Steel Bridges;
Methods of Neural Network on Transitive Closure of Fuzzy;
The Exchange and Transmit Conditions of the Multiplication of Deficient Matrix;
Precise transfer matrix method for resolving the natural frequencise of curved box bridge
Improving Design for Muffler Based on Transition Matrix Technique
Frequency-domain Transfer Matrix Method of 14 Equations Model for Fluid-structure Interaction in Pipes
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