Methods:38 ARDS patients receiving mechanical ventilation were randomized into 2 groups:central vein pressure (CVP) group and thoracic fluid content (TFC) group.
Bi,and establishes the horizontal zoning of gold and gold indicator elements,is of directive function for evaluating which denudation and depth metallogenesis of gold deposits.
A new kind of structural method,reinforced concrete inner columns and horizontal strips placed in the walls forming restrained small size concrete block masonry,is advanced in this paper.
提出了一种新型砌体结构形式——约束混凝土小型空心砌块砌体 ,通过在砌体中设置钢筋混凝土芯柱和水平条带 ,形成对砌体的纵横约束 ,来提高砌体的承载能力和变形能力。
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