This paper analyse and defines Morale firstly, and explores the measurement of morale by dimensions of organizational identification, quality of work and Group Cohesiveness.
The paper explores the imporantce of morale in competitions,and puts forward some countermeasures on how to strengthen morale in teamwork.
Based on the empirical analyzes on 63 teams,242 employers altogether,the study searches for the connection between information diversity (education diversi- ty,tenure diversity) and team morale (affective commit- ment,job satisfaction and turnover intention).
Composing the company s anthem could promote organizational morale agglomerating and corporate culture propelling.
Why the Water in the Stream is so Limpid for it Has Fresh Water Spread out --Qian Xuan s theory of scholar spirit and its present influence on the contemporary art of painting and calligraphy;
问渠哪得清如许 为有源头活水来——论钱选的士气说及对当代书画艺术的现实意义
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