We have studed the infhrence of the kerr-like Medium on the atomic clynamic behaviov,the degns of interbeam second-ovder coherence and the cauch-sehwartz in quality in the system of pair coherent state in terasting with the A-type three-lever atom inside a high-Q cavity filled with a kerr-like medium.
With the aid of numerical method, the phase probability distributions of q-deformed pair coherent state are investigated.
In this paper, the non-linear higher-order squeezing effects of photon field for the pair coherent state |=A_0n=0~nn!|n,n are studied.
With the entangled state η〉 representation of the Wigner operator,Wigner functions for even and odd pair coherent states(EOPCs) are reconstructed.
Quantum statistic properties of pair coherent states interacting with the V-type three-level atom via intensity-dependent coupling in Kerr medium are studied.
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