How do make school administrations valid-take Wei Shusheng for example;
It is valid and practical in evaluating the dispersing power of different sequestering/dispersing agents.
The trend of the contract validity system evolution in our country is that the principle of autonomy of will increasingly comes into actual effect,that the principle of public order and good moral is carried out more and more reasonably,that the principle of trade encouragement has the effect gradually and that the range of invalidity is reducing and the validity is more diverse.
Effectiveness of community health care could be analyzed through a logic as structure,process and outcome.
On the basis of the establishment of the three standards combined management system in our institute this article forcus on the effectiveness and innovation of the mechanism of the three standards combined management system,and may have some reference to the institute who is going to applying this system.
Detection of radiorenogram and effective renal plasma flow in post-operation of kidney transplantation;
Effective History Teaching Summons Humanity Concern;
Coparasion on the Effective and Legal Functions of Advertisement;
The Establishment of Cross-Efficiency Mode of the Internal Capital Market in China;
The efficiency in DEA model is discussed and the scale,purely technical efficiency andcongestion are decomposed.
For the theorem 4 on DEA efficiency(C~2R) in reference ,this paper gives its inverse theorem under a condition in order to be easy to discriminate DEA efficiency(C~2R).
Robustness of the DEA Extremely Efficient;
Then we give our opinions on how to make efficient use of the resource.
Using this model, we developed the sufficient and necessary conditions to keep the classification of being efficient or inefficient when only one DMU changes.
针对相对误差对 DEA方法的影响 ,利用线性规划方法 ,提出一种保持 DEA方法有效性分类的模型 ,然后分别得到有效单元和无效单元保持有效性分类的充分和必要条件 。
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