This paper introduces different methods on how to add, delete, edit records in a database.
介绍了利用MFCODBC对数据源中的数据进行修改、增加、删除等操作的方法 ,并配有VC ++实例说明 。
The paper is the later series of paper three,how to delete a node in a BT and keep its balance is the topic.
This paper introduces some methods of storing and processing tree structure in relation s database table, providing database table s structure and algorithms of search,insert,delete, modify.
介绍几种关系数据库表存储、处理树形结构数据的实用方法 ,给出数据库表的组织结构及检索、插入、删除、修改等算
AS mammal deletion of subdirectories one by one is a diverse and complicated operation, the executive command programmed with PASCAL language has been applicated in the computation center for automatically deleting them with higher effectiveness.
In general, there are some methods about maintenance ,for instance ,utility policy, deletion policy.
本文在给出一个改进的删除策略维护方案的同时 ,并从另一角度出发 ,提出一个基于范例增加的维护策略 ,以保证系统的性能不受影响 ,从而达到小范例库强功能的目
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