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TWC Three Way Catalytic Converter是什么意思



1)TWC Three Way Catalytic Converter,三元触媒转换器2)WU-TWC Warm Up Three-Way Catalytic Convertor,暖车三元触媒转换器3)ternary,三元4)Three-Yuan,三元5)multifaceted,三元6)Three Yuan,三元7)san yuan,三元8)unit triplet,三元9)triad,三元群;三元组10)Ternary alloy,三元合金


    The Collins model is introduced into the two-dimensional(2D) ternary system.


    This paper analyzed the cooling crystallization of special points in ternary phase diagram on the basis of law of phase and elementary knowledge of phase diagram.

    运用相律和相图基本知识分析了三元相图中特殊点的冷却过程 。

    An Examination of the Objects of Chemical Studies from the Stance of Three-Yuan;


    With the consideration of current tourism situation of China and the demand for Chinese tourism in the coming years, the paper issues a theory of multifaceted evaluation for tourism resources, which is based on the sustainable development, aimed at conducting healthy and sustainable development.


    With the consideration of current tourism situation of China and the demand for Chinese tourism in the coming years, the paper issues a theory of multifaceted evaluation for tourism resources,which is based on the sustainable development, aimed at conducting healthy and sustainable development.

    本文结合我国旅游开发现状和新时期对旅游评价的新要求,以可旅游持续发展理论为基 础,提出旅游三元复合评价理论。

    The application of Three Yuan theory in Analytic Hierarchy Process;


    Achievements made prove the objective reality of Three Yuan and the law of Genesis-Evolution-Return, the possibility for Yuanji science to link up with other subjects, the bright future of the application of Yuanji science and the unique advantage in scientific development.


    Zhuang Yuan And San Yuan of Baoding And their Historical Influence;


    Calculation of ternary alloy surface tension with binary alloy segregation factors;


    Simulation of isothermal solidification of ternary alloy with phase-field model;


    Fabrication of Al-Cu-Fe & Al- Si-Fe ternary alloy powders by solid-liquid reaction milling;
