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今天是:2025年3月16日 星期日

NICB National Industrial Conference Board是什么意思



1)NICB National Industrial Conference Board,全美工业会议2)NAWU National Agricultural Workers Union(U.S.A),全国农业工会[美]3)National Industrial Conference Board,美国国家工业会议局4)National Industrial Workers Union,美国全国工业工会5)the state conference of the vocational education,全国职业教育工作会议6)ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security),美国工业安全学会


    The issuance of "the State-council s Decision to Carry out the Vocational Education",as well as that the state conference of the vocational education put forward to make major effort to develop vocational education,benefits TV & Radio University with chances and opportunities to further develop itself.
