Design of dyke cross section for flood prevention of Yangzhuanhe oil refinery was conducted in consideration of the safety of refinery itself by comparison of schemes of retaining slope with retai- ning wail, and then in consideration of stability of retaining wall and stress of foundation by compari- son of gravity wall with slope face wall.
On the basis of the elastic theory of space, this paper analyzes the stress of safety barrier of highway bridges impacted by vehicle and clarifies the damage modal of the wall type of safety barrier.
从空间弹性理论角度 ,对公路桥梁墙式护栏在汽车碰撞力作用下的墙体进行应力分析 ,找出墙体破坏区域 ,明确了碰撞后墙体的破坏形式 。
The especially large embedded rock wall foundations bearing horizontal loads were analyzed with three different models (three-dimension model, two-dimension model and one-dimension model).
分别采用三维模型、二维模型和一维模型对特大型嵌岩墙式基础水平承载进行了分析 ,比较了 3种模型的差异 ,分析了引起这些差异的重要因素 ,最后用二维模型探讨了一些规律。
First,this paperrecommends using GRC as facing material and mineral wool as thermal conservation material in curtain wall form GRC exterior- wall thermal conservation plank system,and outlines its four advantages.
介绍了采用 GRC作面层材料 ,岩棉作保温材料的幕墙式 GRC外墙外保温板节能体系 ,同时经实践证明 ,它不仅可节约能源 ,增加使用面积 ,还可改善室内热环境 ;然后介绍了袋装珍珠岩复合墙体 ,它以实心粘土砖作内、外层 ,袋装珍珠岩作填充保温材料 ,实践证明 ,该节能住宅也可达到节能 30 % ;对于外墙岩棉外保温墙材 ,提出了其构造要求 ,以及确保外墙岩棉外保温工程质量应解决的关键技
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