Behavioral and physiological characteristics of the emigrant and immigrant populations of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Walker) moths trapped in field in Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province and Shenyang suburb, Liaoning Province were examined.
结果显示 ,迁出种群的飞行潜力显著强于迁入种群 ,雌蛾中胸背纵肌平均干重 (6 5 3mg)也显著高于迁入种群 (5 92mg) ,但卵巢发育程度显著低于迁入种群 ;迁出种群的交配率和平均交配次数均显著低于迁入种群 ;早期迁入的雌蛾卵巢发育级别和交配率相对较低 ,并随迁入时间的延长而增加。
The 3rd and the 8th generations are the emigrant generations whose insects mostly emigrate to other places.
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