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今天是:2025年3月16日 星期日

mean time between failures是什么意思



1)MTBF,平均无故障工作时间2)mean time between failures,平均无故障工作时间3)mean time to failure,故障平均间隔时间,故障前平均[工作]时间,平均无故障时间4)mean-time-to-failure,故障前平均工作时间;故障时平均时间5)reliability/mean-time-to-failure,可靠度/平均无故障工作时间6)mean time-to-failure,故障前平均工作时间


    Calculating method of MTBF in the reliabilty engineering is introduced and some cases are also presented.


    This paper introduces the colour TV reliability and main time between failure (MTBF),puts forward an establish method of structure model for colour TV reliability,counts these,and gives results of MTBF for colour TV.


    Analyses the reliability of the water pump system using the probability of mean time between failures.


    Results show the mean time between failures for VCO is 13 781 hours on condition of +70 °C and M L,which will be 20 000 hours or more for device with highe quality.

    结果表明 ,在 + 70°C和 ML 环境条件下 ,预计这种振荡器的平均无故障工作时间为 13781h。