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intake control rotary valve是什么意思



1)intake control rotary valve,进气调节旋转阀2)Intake,进气3)inlet,进气4)tangential duct intake,切向进气道进气5)Forwards inlet+,前向进气+6)angle of injection,进气角度


    Prediction model of intake swirl is established based on the experimental results of steady flow rig, which connects the steady testing with the practical intake process.

    燃烧室内的空气运动对燃烧过程有重要影响 ,然而实际发动机的缸内气流运动不便直接测量 本文根据稳流气道试验台的试验结果 ,建立了进气涡流预测模型 ,将稳流试验与实际进气过程有机地联系起来 根据所建立模型的模拟计算结果 ,对试验样机的进气道进行改进 改进后的进气道所产生的进气涡流与油束匹配良好 ,降低了发动机的燃油耗和排气温

    A set of noise control devices, characterized by high noise reduction and low pressure losses for intake and exhaust systems of high power medium speed diesel engines, were developed, based upon the analysis of the engines characteristics of noise frequency spectrum as well as the intake and exhaust gas flow resistance limits.

    基于对大功率中速柴油机进、排气噪声的频谱特性以及消声系统气流阻力的分析 ,文中介绍了一套消声量大、阻损小的消声装置 ,其进气消声量为 5 6dB(A) ,进气阻力为 1 96Pa;排气消声量为 2 8dB(A) ,排气阻力为 5 88Pa。

    An Experimental Investigation for an inlet of a Low-Pressure Vortex Blower;


    diesel engine inlet system are analyzed in this paper.

    分析了 4气门直喷式柴油机进气系统的技术特点和设计要点 ,详细阐述了 4气门进气系统在提高进气量、改善油气混合和可变涡流强度等方面的优点 通过对 4气门进气系统不同进气道组合的比较 ,指出长切向气道与短螺旋气道的组合有利于产生较大的进气涡流 结合缸盖设计 ,讨论了气门的布置方式及配气机构的设计 4气门柴油机辅以增压、高压燃油喷射和废气再循环等技术的支持和匹配 ,可以改善燃烧、净化排放 ,提高动力性和经济性 ,满足未来更严格的排放法